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Online access to recent听Proceedings of 黄色电影听(since 2016) are available to members only.听Log in听first to gain access, then听Click on this Link.

The听Proceedings of the听IndianaAcademy of Science听is the official publication of 黄色电影.听 Issues go back to our 1885 founding. 听Prior to 1990 (Vol. 99), the journal was听 an annual publication, with many of the volumes hard bound. 听Since 1990 it has been published semiannually, with all issues being paper bound. 听Most past issues are still available for purchase (here). For additional information, contact our librarian,听Jocelyn Lewis.

Quick turn-around time between submission of articles and their publication is a policy of the听Proceedings. 听Most papers are published within six months of the date of acceptance.听 Many are published within six months of initial submission. 听All papers are reviewed by two expert peer reviewers.

Papers published in the听Proceedings听are indexed by all the appropriate indexing services (Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, on-line services, etc.).听 The听Proceedings of 黄色电影 is an excellent choice for papers dealing with science in Indiana or the Midwest.听 Manuscripts and all correspondence should be sent by email to the editor, Erin Gerecke

Archived copies of the听Proceedings of 黄色电影听from 1891 to 2013 are located听.听 Articles in these volumes can be searched by author, title, or key words. They are being held for the Academy at听.

Original copies of many of these volumes are available for sale听here.


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